The image guiding the consultation is that of pebbles dropped into a pond generating ripples that spread from multiples centres, intersect with one another, and create waves. Waves at the point of intersection can be seen as points of difference, tension, and conflict. In other words, where the gospel makes an impact and flourishes in one context, the ripple effects (the ways of understanding gospel and the contextual theology that emerges) intersect with and impact others, which the Spirit of God can use to help us all grow into full maturity in Christ.
Pray for discernment and wisdom for each leader attending to be open to seek God’s direction for new ways and new models of church and mission collaboration for this new era.
Pray for innovative ideas and interaction across the generations. Pray for fruitful “intersections” and co-creating together.
Pray for those who live where the gospel is least represented and how they interact with those from outside of their context; for the best forms of communication and bridges of trust to be established.
Pray into the co-creating between those from community or collective cultures (e.g. Majority World) and those from more “industrial” or individualist cultures (e.g. Western World), as the each bring their ingredients into the metaphorical kitchen to develop new, original recipes.
Ask the Lord that those who He is prompting to attend this consultation will be able to do so— for the visas that are outstanding, passport renewals for others, travel costs, health and energy for each person, and the provision of funding—including for MC scholarship grants.
Pray God’s favour and a covering over consultation logistics: overall administration, roommate allocations, translation needs, audio & projection management, as well as the worship team, the listening/discerning group, our intercessors, those with hospitality responsibilities, table discussion facilitators and break-out session leaders.
Pray for the global leadership team, the daily biblical reflections, the main plenaries, short spotlights, and panels, that God would speak through them and through the discussions that spring up from the challenges and joys shared.
For more information about praying for this event over the coming few weeks please write to [email protected] (Prayer Synergist for WEA MC)